About Somatic Experiencing
what is Somatic experiencing (se)?
All humans are impacted by their experiences, and our bodies hold the evidence. Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a process through which people draw attention to the effects of impactful experiences on the body and the nervous system, to help manage trauma responses and activation, and to help all of us expand our capacities to feel safer in an increasingly chaotic world. By utilizing SE as an approach, we aim to “resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in our bodies…” (SE 101, Somatic Experiencing International). We take steps to calm the nervous system, release traumatic patterns, and “unstick” ourselves from emotions, sensation and beliefs which no longer guide us to safety.
what to expect in an se session
In your Somatic Experiencing (SE) session, we guide each other through emotional and sensational patterns, so that we can increase calm over time and change the intensity of discomfort rooted in trauma. This involves clients being asked to notice and track sensation, thought patterns and meaning, as well as to notice shifts in the body, as one builds skills for resolving unwanted internal responses. We take guided steps to close the loop on experiences in which we feel trapped, by working with your system to reduce threat and increase a feeling of security.
““Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.””